SIZE: 13x18mm
DRILLED: Vertical, back to belly
STONE: Mahogany Obsidian (Natural)
SHAPE: Bear, Zuni
MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN: is a type of naturally occurring glass that results when volcanic lava flow cools rapidly before crystallization forms. Because of its lack of crystallization, it is considered a type of natural glass, rather than a true mineral. Pure Obsidian is usually black in appearance, though the color varies depending on the presence of impurities. Mahogany Obsidian is the result of iron and magnesium being introduced into the formation of the cooling lava glass.
This mottled black and dark red gemstone is said to mirror back to us our own flaws so we are better able to correct them. It is believed by some to induce visions and dreams which reveal to us our own role in the difficult areas of our lives. Mahogany Obsidian is also considered extremely protective. Wearing this gemstone is thought to improve self-acceptance by removing negative self-talk. It is thought to have special cleansing powers with respect to negativity.

[ More about BEAR ... ]
*Information regarding gemstone lore and metaphysical properties has been compiled from various sources and is for entertainment purposes only. No claims or promises are expressed or implied.*