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SIZE: 9x21x58mmDRILLED: Front to back, at headSTONE: Turquoise Magnesite, (Stabilized, Dyed)SHAPE: SeahorsePACKAGE: 1 Piece
MAGNESITE: (often referred to as "Chalk Turquoise" or "Wild Horse Turquoise") is a magnesium carbonate mineral (MgCO3) similar in crystal structure as Calcite. Visually, it can be difficult to distinguish from Howlite, Dolomite or Marble. Magnesite in its natural form is typically an opaque white, but can also range in color from gray to tan and sometimes contain light to dark matrix. Because it is a relatively soft and porous stone, it takes well to color enhancements and stabilizers. Like Howlite, it is often dyed and treated with hardeners to simulate more expensive gemstones, such as Turquoise, and is remarkably close enough to be mistaken for the real thing. Magnesite is mined in Africa, China, Korea, Brazil and Europe. Recent deposits discovered near the Globe Copper Mine in southern US Arizona have become increasingly popular on the jewelry market because of its attractive Hematite matrix. Although named "Wild Horse Turquoise" in its natural state, by definition it is not considered a genuine Turquoise since it does not contain any natural copper (blue) or iron (green).
Magnesite was traditionally used by the Indigenous people of US California to fashion beads which were exchanged much like currency. Contemporary spiritualists believe that Magnesite encourages creativity, inspires passion, and helps one to center during meditative states.
*Information regarding gemstone lore and metaphysical properties has been compiled from various sources and is for entertainment purposes only. No claims or promises are expressed or implied.*
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