Friendship, Freedom, Power & Adventure

HORSE represents freedom and power. He is the wild spirit of the wind, his powerful legs carrying him swiftly over obstacles as he journeys towards his goal, forever following his adventurous nature. Horse teaches us how to travel unhindered in new directions, to awaken and discover your own path to spiritual freedom and personal empowerment.

Horse, like Dog and Cat, has made an alliance with humankind. For thousands of years he has helped carry our burdens, grow our food, fought as noble warriors at our side, and hastened our own travel towards distant horizons and future goals. While through friendship and trust Horse can be tamed, the wild spirit that lies within can seldom be broken.  When released from servitude, Horse will quickly revert back to his true nature and embrace his adventurous wild spirit again. Perhaps this is the greatest lesson of all --- that no matter our circumstance or past, there always exists in us the dormant seed of our true selves.  Horse teaches us how to carry our burdens with dignity, while more importantly, reminding us that the spirit within is always and forever free.

Like Horse, if feeling constricted or confined, perhaps its time to look towards new horizons and head for greener pastures... or simply allow yourself some unbridled fun by letting down your hair and "kicking up your heals" in celebration of a life well lived.


*The information provided here has been compiled from various sources and is for entertainment purposes only. No claims or promises are expressed or implied.

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